Katy TX 77450 Shortsale

Shortsale Details

Anticipated Foreclosure DateJan 4, 2011
First Mortgage
with GMAC
Second Mortgage
with Tax Resue
Total Owed$121,800.00
Market Value$95,000.00
Accepted by Debt Holders$108,800.00
Time to Negotiate Shortsale47 days

Client Testimonial

Thank you! That was very nice.  Any word on the status of the proceedings? I have not heard a peep from you or Rick or GMAC. If they paid off the tax loan I need to know so that they do not keep auto debiting it from my account. Thanks so much.

Property Location

Property Details

AddressKaty, TX 77450
Subdivision Cimarron
County Harris County

home needs work and pool is a swap. I live in florida, what can yall do for me?

ShortSale Approval Letter

Short Sale Documents