Houston TX 77080 Shortsale

Shortsale Details

Anticipated Foreclosure DateJun 5, 2007
First Mortgage
with SAXON MORTGAGE # 2000256385
Second Mortgage
with CITIFINANCIAL #5003822971
Total Owed$145,000.00
Market Value$125,000.00
Accepted by Debt Holders$89,000.00
Time to Negotiate Shortsale92 days

Client Testimonial

saxon mortgage has a first of $125,982.17

citimortgage has a second of $29,000

saxon went down to $94,277K

citimortgage in (pass) position took a $3000.00

Property Location

Property Details

AddressHouston, TX 77080

Stainless Steel Appliances with custom cabinets and granite top. Hardwood floors, new ac, slate and double pain windows....



ShortSale Approval Letter

Short Sale Documents