Cypress TX 77429 Shortsale

Shortsale Details

Anticipated Foreclosure DateNov 3, 2011
First Mortgage
with Bank of America#68861573
Second Mortgage
with GMAC Mortgage Pool Lien
Property Taxes$16,487.00
Construction or M&M$72,564.00
Total Owed$918,863.00
Market Value$600,000.00
Accepted by Debt Holders$464,698.00
Time to Negotiate Shortsale5 days

Client Testimonial

Thanks for the update. I wanted to let you know that our lender also sent us an official notice that they have received our letter requesting that they no longer call us as well as a notice that our petition to have our loan adjusted has been denied because (and I love this) we don’t make enough money. DUH! (grin) Thanks again, you guys have been great. I really appreciated the phone call the other day as well. It’s nice to know that you’re not just taking our money and leaving us in the dark.

Property Location

Property Details

Address Cypress, TX 77429
Subdivision Rock Creek
CountyHarris County

ShortSale Approval Letter

Short Sale Documents